Saturday, February 6, 2010

Well it certainly wasn't easy... I'm just sayin'...

After long and thoughtful consideration - and eliminating all of the really great anonymous entries... (really!? I'm just sayin'...) here are my top 5... There were a lot of great entries, and it was not easy narrowing them down to just these 5. Seriously - thanks to everyone who entered... Now - place your vote and take part in making HISTORY!... Or at least take part in giving away a funny t-shirt... I'm just sayin'...

Nikki - You shouldn't go around lickin' people's corn... I'm just sayin'...

Parker B. - I'm pretty sure that's not lemonade... I'm just sayin'...

Anthony - says I'm a sex god... just sayin'...

Heather - Edward Cullen is a fictional character and will never love you... I'm just sayin'...

B Ran - Chuck Norris won me this shirt.... I'm Just Sayin'...

So go VOTE!! Tell your friends to vote! It's your DUTY to your fellow IJS fans!! You'd want them to vote if it was your name up there... I'm just sayin'...

Shirts for all 5 finalists will be available soon at:

The winner will be declared after one week of voting. They will receive a t-shirt with their winning phrase and a unique original design by me... which is pretty cool... I'm just sayin'...